Thomas J. Archer

Thomas J. Archer is a fictional character representing all things masculine throughout a SERIES of stories - Hashashin is the first of many books to come. 

Each story begins with the sentence: What if he was … The ellipsis (…)* stands for his vocation, his profession, or better yet his calling. The novel Hashashin begins with: What if he was a contract killer

The novel Bells begins with: What if he was a writer  (coming soon)

The novel  Blood begins with: What if he was a priest  (coming soon)

Within this opening sentence there is also a word that reveals that he, Thomas J. Archer, is no more. The word was suggests that the main character is doomed somewhere along in this story. We don’t know why, how, or when, but in the end of each tale the main character has perished.  

This is not to be clever, mysterious, dark, gloomy, or even morbid, but to facilitate a visceral understanding that everything, even ones own life, comes to an end.  

We, including my main character, have only a relatively short period of time to peel through the misery of acquired redundancies to find joy, bliss, or better yet – enlightenment.  

Will he be able to transcend his shortcomings or will he perish filled with doubts, disappointments, or regrets?     

I created all the characters including Thomas J. Archer in order to highlight parts of the human psyche important not to be disremembered. Good or bad, nothing is made for eternity. And why not learn from the mistakes of fictionally real people to learn shortcuts or psychological acronyms to circumvent certain pain, misery, and suffering. 


* I don’t mean to be patronizing by putting the ellipsis in quotation marks, but I have learned that many people do not have the word ellipsis in their current vocabulary.